Friday, August 31, 2012

of the sounds of football season!

This morning as I returned home from my workout at 7am, not only was I treated to a gorgeous sunrise but also the sounds of the Lincoln Southeast High Marching Band practicing.  I took a moment to enjoy the beats of the drums!

What made your day beautiful?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The why!

A friend and I were talking recently about the news & all of the negativity that gets reported.  We joked about starting our own news channel that only broadcasts positive news!  I have also been struck by the frailty of life as I have followed the stories of two young fathers stricken with terminal cancer in the prime of their lives.  It has weighed on me heavily and has reignited my desire to recognize and appreciate all that is good and beautiful that is around me.  I would like to use this digital space to capture a few of the items that make my life beautiful!

For me, my beautiful life begins with my:
One of my all time favorite pictures of my family!
Tonight Whitney read Mo Willems I Broke My Trunk! to us before she went to bed.  I took time to appreciate Whitney's joyous laughter as she read the story of Gerald telling Piggie the long, crazy story about breaking his trunk.  Wendy's laughter and expressions were quite beautiful too!

There is beauty all around us...just take a moment to recognize and appreciate it!

What made your day beautiful?